martes, 17 de abril de 2007

This is my address

I live in a house, lelme explain how you can find my address.

City Banck Departament Post Office
Sabaneta A.V
Super marke shoes Pomona A.V 2 Huose Haticos A.V Coffe shop
Pomona A.V 1
School Hospital Gas station
1.) The Gas stacion in on pomona Avenue 1, across from the hospital.
2.) The hospital is on pomona Avenue 1.
3.) The shoes on the comer of pomona Avenue 2 next to supermarke.
4.) The coffe on the Haticos Avenue. It`s between and sabaneta Avenue.
5.) the school in on pomona Avenue 1 and Haticos Avenue across frorm the coffe shop next to departamend store.
I would like to invite you to visited me and I want to show you my beautiful house.
Do you accept my invitation ?

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